Double: Automate Sales with AI-Powered Lead Enrichment

An AI-powered sales tool that empowers teams to automate lead enrichment, qualification, and data cleaning processes. With its advanced features, including web scraping, LinkedIn integration, and prompt-based automations, Double streamlines sales workflows and boosts productivity.





Are you tired of manual lead research and qualification? Look no further! Double is your personal AI assistant, designed to supercharge your sales process. With powerful features like lead enrichment, web scraping, and LinkedIn integration, Double helps sales teams automate tasks, save time, and uncover valuable insights. Whether you're an SDR, marketer, or business professional, Double can solve the challenges of lead research, data cleaning, and time-consuming manual workflows. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and unlock the true potential of your sales efforts with Double.

  • AI-powered lead enrichment
  • Automated lead qualification
  • Web scraping capabilities
  • LinkedIn integration for profile scraping
  • Google search functionality
  • Email verification for lead contact information
  • Data cleaning and standardization
  • Company industry and location lookup
  • Job title qualification
  • Text scraping from websites
  • Phone number formatting
  • Prompt-based, no-code automation
  • Familiar spreadsheet interface
  • GPT-4 powered language model
  • Scalable pricing plans for teams of all sizes


1. Visit the Double website and sign up for an account

2. Take advantage of the custom 1-on-1 onboarding calls offered by Double to set up your workflow and familiarize yourself with the platform

3. Import your data into Double's familiar spreadsheet interface. This can include lead lists, company names, or any other relevant information

4. Select the desired plugin from Double's available options based on the task you want to perform. Plugins include lead enrichment, web scraping, LinkedIn integration, email verification, and more

5. Use prompt-based instructions to define the specific task you want Double to perform. Write clear and concise prompts that guide Double's AI capabilities in understanding your requirements

6. Execute the automation process and let Double perform the requested tasks on your data. This may involve scraping websites, searching Google, qualifying leads, cleaning data, or other actions.

7. Double will provide the results in the spreadsheet format, organized according to your specified instructions. Review the output and make use of the enriched and qualified data to enhance your sales process.

Here is a video demonstrates how to use Double:


Double is a game-changer for sales teams, offering AI-powered automation to streamline lead enrichment, qualification, and data management. By leveraging its advanced features and integrations, Double empowers businesses to save time, improve productivity, and make informed decisions. Say hello to increased efficiency and sales success with Double by your side.

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