3DFY: Generate Realistic 3D Models from Text Prompts

A cutting-edge technology that generates high-quality 3D models from simple text prompts, enabling users without 3D modeling experience to create realistic and functional 3D assets!





This cutting-edge solution revolutionizes 3D model creation by utilizing text prompts. It empowers users, including designers, architects, and creative professionals, to effortlessly generate high-quality, realistic 3D assets across various categories. With its user-friendly interface and advanced technology, even individuals without prior 3D modeling experience can easily create functional objects. The tool offers efficient generation, customizable output options, and accessibility, making it a valuable asset for bringing ideas to life in the realm of 3D modeling

  • User-friendly interface
  • Generates 3D models from text prompts
  • Supports various object categories
  • Creates high-quality and functional assets
  • Customizable file formats, LOD, and texture resolution
  • Fast generation time for efficient workflow

1. Visit the tool's website and click on "TRY TEXT-TO-3D"

2. Sign up for an account

3. Access your account and explore the tool to become familiar with its features

4. Start creating 3D models using prompts and unleash your creativity

Here is a video showing how the tool works:


This cutting-edge solution revolutionizes 3D model creation by utilizing text prompts. It empowers users, including designers, architects, and creative professionals, to effortlessly generate high-quality, realistic 3D assets across various categories. With its user-friendly interface and advanced technology, even individuals without prior 3D modeling experience can easily create functional objects. The tool offers efficient generation, customizable output options, and accessibility, making it a valuable asset for bringing ideas to life in the realm of 3D modeling

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